Member Benefits
Increased Visibility
Membership in the CAOB provides opportunities to raise your personal and corporate profile. The CAOB also provides leadership opportunities. Take advantage of the opportunities to gain prominence in the construction industry by being involved through committee work; writing articles for the CAOB website, attending social functions, golf tournaments, etc.
Networking Opportunities
Membership in the CAOB provides the opportunity to increase your circle of valuable business contacts and strengthen your business relationships. Networking is an activity that stretches beyond the formal boundaries of the association.
Training Opportunities
In Bermuda, the Construction Association of Bermuda is the Accredited Training Sponsor (ATS). That means that all local NCCER training and training facilities must be approved and monitored by the CAOB. CAOB offers training for NCCER Master Trainers and NCCER Certified Instructors on a periodic basis. The Construction Association of Bermuda will hold an NCCER Instructor Training Course (ICTP) in Bermuda. This five-week course runs for a total of 24 hours. Individuals interested in teaching NCCER courses in their area of expertise (e.g. Carpentry, Plumbing, Welding, etc.) This course will also serve to recertify those NCCER Certified Instructors with expired credentials. Visit for more information regarding NCCER and Instructor Certification. There is a need for qualified craft specialists (tradespeople), and we need Certified Instructors to teach courses. NCCER Certified Instructors can earn a second income, gain prestige within the construction industry and pass along their knowledge and skills to another generation.
Legislative Involvement & Industry Lobbying
Numerous issues at the commercial and government levels impact our members and the entire construction industry. The Association observes and responds to government issues on behalf of its members. The CAOB endeavors to keep you thoroughly briefed on government legislation and activities affecting the construction industry. It is the ongoing responsibility of the Association to act as the "voice" of the industry particularly with regard to advancing projects.
Contact for application and information on becoming a CAOB member
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